Thank you so much for all the support you have given E-MotionCards by sending our cards out into the world, telling your friends and especially to those of you who have joined and thus have given us your vote of confidence.
Thanks also to the team at Handmade Interactive in Los Angeles for the endless hours of design, problem solving, keeping the E-MotionCards site glitch-free and user friendly, collaboration and especially for always being "there" at critical moments. Thank you!
May each of you have touching moments, laugh hysterically, be centered, share secrets, run fast, breathe deeply, jump high, feel accomplished, eat tasty treats, sleep soundly, sing loudly, give hugs, be hugged, be creative, give thanks, love the planet .... and LOVE LIFE throughout the NEW YEAR!
H A P P Y - N E W - Y E A R......
Sherrie Hunt - Founder - Designer
John Hudson - Designer